2024-05-13 07:10:25 +02:00

532 lines
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Abstract datahandler interface.
It's subclasses handle and storing data from disk.
import logging
import re
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Type
from pandas import DataFrame
from freqtrade import misc
from freqtrade.configuration import TimeRange
from freqtrade.constants import DEFAULT_TRADES_COLUMNS, ListPairsWithTimeframes
from import (
from freqtrade.enums import CandleType, TradingMode
from import timeframe_to_seconds
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class IDataHandler(ABC):
_OHLCV_REGEX = r"^([a-zA-Z_\d-]+)\-(\d+[a-zA-Z]{1,2})\-?([a-zA-Z_]*)?(?=\.)"
def __init__(self, datadir: Path) -> None:
self._datadir = datadir
def _get_file_extension(cls) -> str:
Get file extension for this particular datahandler
raise NotImplementedError()
def ohlcv_get_available_data(
cls, datadir: Path, trading_mode: TradingMode
) -> ListPairsWithTimeframes:
Returns a list of all pairs with ohlcv data available in this datadir
:param datadir: Directory to search for ohlcv files
:param trading_mode: trading-mode to be used
:return: List of Tuples of (pair, timeframe, CandleType)
if trading_mode == TradingMode.FUTURES:
datadir = datadir.joinpath("futures")
_tmp = [,
for p in datadir.glob(f"*.{cls._get_file_extension()}")
return [
for match in _tmp
if match and len(match.groups()) > 1
def ohlcv_get_pairs(cls, datadir: Path, timeframe: str, candle_type: CandleType) -> List[str]:
Returns a list of all pairs with ohlcv data available in this datadir
for the specified timeframe
:param datadir: Directory to search for ohlcv files
:param timeframe: Timeframe to search pairs for
:param candle_type: Any of the enum CandleType (must match trading mode!)
:return: List of Pairs
candle = ""
if candle_type != CandleType.SPOT:
datadir = datadir.joinpath("futures")
candle = f"-{candle_type}"
ext = cls._get_file_extension()
_tmp = ["^(\S+)(?=\-" + timeframe + candle + f".{ext})",
for p in datadir.glob(f"*{timeframe}{candle}.{ext}")
# Check if regex found something and only return these results
return [cls.rebuild_pair_from_filename(match[0]) for match in _tmp if match]
def ohlcv_store(
self, pair: str, timeframe: str, data: DataFrame, candle_type: CandleType
) -> None:
Store ohlcv data.
:param pair: Pair - used to generate filename
:param timeframe: Timeframe - used to generate filename
:param data: Dataframe containing OHLCV data
:param candle_type: Any of the enum CandleType (must match trading mode!)
:return: None
def ohlcv_data_min_max(
self, pair: str, timeframe: str, candle_type: CandleType
) -> Tuple[datetime, datetime, int]:
Returns the min and max timestamp for the given pair and timeframe.
:param pair: Pair to get min/max for
:param timeframe: Timeframe to get min/max for
:param candle_type: Any of the enum CandleType (must match trading mode!)
:return: (min, max, len)
df = self._ohlcv_load(pair, timeframe, None, candle_type)
if df.empty:
return (
datetime.fromtimestamp(0, tz=timezone.utc),
datetime.fromtimestamp(0, tz=timezone.utc),
return df.iloc[0]["date"].to_pydatetime(), df.iloc[-1]["date"].to_pydatetime(), len(df)
def _ohlcv_load(
self, pair: str, timeframe: str, timerange: Optional[TimeRange], candle_type: CandleType
) -> DataFrame:
Internal method used to load data for one pair from disk.
Implements the loading and conversion to a Pandas dataframe.
Timerange trimming and dataframe validation happens outside of this method.
:param pair: Pair to load data
:param timeframe: Timeframe (e.g. "5m")
:param timerange: Limit data to be loaded to this timerange.
Optionally implemented by subclasses to avoid loading
all data where possible.
:param candle_type: Any of the enum CandleType (must match trading mode!)
:return: DataFrame with ohlcv data, or empty DataFrame
def ohlcv_purge(self, pair: str, timeframe: str, candle_type: CandleType) -> bool:
Remove data for this pair
:param pair: Delete data for this pair.
:param timeframe: Timeframe (e.g. "5m")
:param candle_type: Any of the enum CandleType (must match trading mode!)
:return: True when deleted, false if file did not exist.
filename = self._pair_data_filename(self._datadir, pair, timeframe, candle_type)
if filename.exists():
return True
return False
def ohlcv_append(
self, pair: str, timeframe: str, data: DataFrame, candle_type: CandleType
) -> None:
Append data to existing data structures
:param pair: Pair
:param timeframe: Timeframe this ohlcv data is for
:param data: Data to append.
:param candle_type: Any of the enum CandleType (must match trading mode!)
def trades_get_pairs(cls, datadir: Path) -> List[str]:
Returns a list of all pairs for which trade data is available in this
:param datadir: Directory to search for ohlcv files
:return: List of Pairs
_ext = cls._get_file_extension()
_tmp = ["^(\S+)(?=\-trades." + _ext + ")",
for p in datadir.glob(f"*trades.{_ext}")
# Check if regex found something and only return these results to avoid exceptions.
return [cls.rebuild_pair_from_filename(match[0]) for match in _tmp if match]
def _trades_store(self, pair: str, data: DataFrame, trading_mode: TradingMode) -> None:
Store trades data (list of Dicts) to file
:param pair: Pair - used for filename
:param data: Dataframe containing trades
column sequence as in DEFAULT_TRADES_COLUMNS
:param trading_mode: Trading mode to use (used to determine the filename)
def trades_append(self, pair: str, data: DataFrame):
Append data to existing files
:param pair: Pair - used for filename
:param data: Dataframe containing trades
column sequence as in DEFAULT_TRADES_COLUMNS
def _trades_load(
self, pair: str, trading_mode: TradingMode, timerange: Optional[TimeRange] = None
) -> DataFrame:
Load a pair from file, either .json.gz or .json
:param pair: Load trades for this pair
:param trading_mode: Trading mode to use (used to determine the filename)
:param timerange: Timerange to load trades for - currently not implemented
:return: Dataframe containing trades
def trades_store(self, pair: str, data: DataFrame, trading_mode: TradingMode) -> None:
Store trades data (list of Dicts) to file
:param pair: Pair - used for filename
:param data: Dataframe containing trades
column sequence as in DEFAULT_TRADES_COLUMNS
:param trading_mode: Trading mode to use (used to determine the filename)
# Filter on expected columns (will remove the actual date column).
self._trades_store(pair, data[DEFAULT_TRADES_COLUMNS], trading_mode)
def trades_purge(self, pair: str, trading_mode: TradingMode) -> bool:
Remove data for this pair
:param pair: Delete data for this pair.
:param trading_mode: Trading mode to use (used to determine the filename)
:return: True when deleted, false if file did not exist.
filename = self._pair_trades_filename(self._datadir, pair, trading_mode)
if filename.exists():
return True
return False
def trades_load(
self, pair: str, trading_mode: TradingMode, timerange: Optional[TimeRange] = None
) -> DataFrame:
Load a pair from file, either .json.gz or .json
Removes duplicates in the process.
:param pair: Load trades for this pair
:param trading_mode: Trading mode to use (used to determine the filename)
:param timerange: Timerange to load trades for - currently not implemented
:return: List of trades
trades = trades_df_remove_duplicates(
self._trades_load(pair, trading_mode, timerange=timerange)
trades = trades_convert_types(trades)
return trades
def create_dir_if_needed(cls, datadir: Path):
Creates datadir if necessary
should only create directories for "futures" mode at the moment.
if not datadir.parent.is_dir():
def _pair_data_filename(
datadir: Path,
pair: str,
timeframe: str,
candle_type: CandleType,
no_timeframe_modify: bool = False,
) -> Path:
pair_s = misc.pair_to_filename(pair)
candle = ""
if not no_timeframe_modify:
timeframe = cls.timeframe_to_file(timeframe)
if candle_type != CandleType.SPOT:
datadir = datadir.joinpath("futures")
candle = f"-{candle_type}"
filename = datadir.joinpath(f"{pair_s}-{timeframe}{candle}.{cls._get_file_extension()}")
return filename
def _pair_trades_filename(cls, datadir: Path, pair: str, trading_mode: TradingMode) -> Path:
pair_s = misc.pair_to_filename(pair)
if trading_mode == TradingMode.FUTURES:
# Futures pair ...
datadir = datadir.joinpath("futures")
filename = datadir.joinpath(f"{pair_s}-trades.{cls._get_file_extension()}")
return filename
def timeframe_to_file(timeframe: str):
return timeframe.replace("M", "Mo")
def rebuild_timeframe_from_filename(timeframe: str) -> str:
converts timeframe from disk to file
Replaces mo with M (to avoid problems on case-insensitive filesystems)
return re.sub("1mo", "1M", timeframe, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
def rebuild_pair_from_filename(pair: str) -> str:
Rebuild pair name from filename
Assumes a asset name of max. 7 length to also support BTC-PERP and BTC-PERP:USD names.
res = re.sub(r"^(([A-Za-z\d]{1,10})|^([A-Za-z\-]{1,6}))(_)", r"\g<1>/", pair, count=1)
res = re.sub("_", ":", res, count=1)
return res
def ohlcv_load(
timeframe: str,
candle_type: CandleType,
timerange: Optional[TimeRange] = None,
fill_missing: bool = True,
drop_incomplete: bool = False,
startup_candles: int = 0,
warn_no_data: bool = True,
) -> DataFrame:
Load cached candle (OHLCV) data for the given pair.
:param pair: Pair to load data for
:param timeframe: Timeframe (e.g. "5m")
:param timerange: Limit data to be loaded to this timerange
:param fill_missing: Fill missing values with "No action"-candles
:param drop_incomplete: Drop last candle assuming it may be incomplete.
:param startup_candles: Additional candles to load at the start of the period
:param warn_no_data: Log a warning message when no data is found
:param candle_type: Any of the enum CandleType (must match trading mode!)
:return: DataFrame with ohlcv data, or empty DataFrame
# Fix startup period
timerange_startup = deepcopy(timerange)
if startup_candles > 0 and timerange_startup:
timerange_startup.subtract_start(timeframe_to_seconds(timeframe) * startup_candles)
pairdf = self._ohlcv_load(
pair, timeframe, timerange=timerange_startup, candle_type=candle_type
if self._check_empty_df(pairdf, pair, timeframe, candle_type, warn_no_data):
return pairdf
enddate = pairdf.iloc[-1]["date"]
if timerange_startup:
self._validate_pairdata(pair, pairdf, timeframe, candle_type, timerange_startup)
pairdf = trim_dataframe(pairdf, timerange_startup)
if self._check_empty_df(pairdf, pair, timeframe, candle_type, warn_no_data, True):
return pairdf
# incomplete candles should only be dropped if we didn't trim the end beforehand.
pairdf = clean_ohlcv_dataframe(
drop_incomplete=(drop_incomplete and enddate == pairdf.iloc[-1]["date"]),
self._check_empty_df(pairdf, pair, timeframe, candle_type, warn_no_data)
return pairdf
def _check_empty_df(
pairdf: DataFrame,
pair: str,
timeframe: str,
candle_type: CandleType,
warn_no_data: bool,
warn_price: bool = False,
) -> bool:
Warn on empty dataframe
if pairdf.empty:
if warn_no_data:
f"No history for {pair}, {candle_type}, {timeframe} found. "
"Use `freqtrade download-data` to download the data"
return True
elif warn_price:
candle_price_gap = 0
if (
candle_type in (CandleType.SPOT, CandleType.FUTURES)
and not pairdf.empty
and "close" in pairdf.columns
and "open" in pairdf.columns
# Detect gaps between prior close and open
gaps = (pairdf["open"] - pairdf["close"].shift(1)) / pairdf["close"].shift(1)
gaps = gaps.dropna()
if len(gaps):
candle_price_gap = max(abs(gaps))
if candle_price_gap > 0.1:
f"Price jump in {pair}, {timeframe}, {candle_type} between two candles "
f"of {candle_price_gap:.2%} detected."
return False
def _validate_pairdata(
pairdata: DataFrame,
timeframe: str,
candle_type: CandleType,
timerange: TimeRange,
Validates pairdata for missing data at start end end and logs warnings.
:param pairdata: Dataframe to validate
:param timerange: Timerange specified for start and end dates
if timerange.starttype == "date":
if pairdata.iloc[0]["date"] > timerange.startdt:
f"{pair}, {candle_type}, {timeframe}, "
f"data starts at {pairdata.iloc[0]['date']:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}"
if timerange.stoptype == "date":
if pairdata.iloc[-1]["date"] < timerange.stopdt:
f"{pair}, {candle_type}, {timeframe}, "
f"data ends at {pairdata.iloc[-1]['date']:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}"
def rename_futures_data(
self, pair: str, new_pair: str, timeframe: str, candle_type: CandleType
Temporary method to migrate data from old naming to new naming (BTC/USDT -> BTC/USDT:USDT)
Only used for binance to support the binance futures naming unification.
file_old = self._pair_data_filename(self._datadir, pair, timeframe, candle_type)
file_new = self._pair_data_filename(self._datadir, new_pair, timeframe, candle_type)
# print(file_old, file_new)
if file_new.exists():
logger.warning(f"{file_new} exists already, can't migrate {pair}.")
def fix_funding_fee_timeframe(self, ff_timeframe: str):
Temporary method to migrate data from old funding fee timeframe to the correct timeframe
Applies to bybit and okx, where funding-fee and mark candles have different timeframes.
paircombs = self.ohlcv_get_available_data(self._datadir, TradingMode.FUTURES)
funding_rate_combs = [
f for f in paircombs if f[2] == CandleType.FUNDING_RATE and f[1] != ff_timeframe
if funding_rate_combs:
f"Migrating {len(funding_rate_combs)} funding fees to correct timeframe."
for pair, timeframe, candletype in funding_rate_combs:
old_name = self._pair_data_filename(self._datadir, pair, timeframe, candletype)
new_name = self._pair_data_filename(self._datadir, pair, ff_timeframe, candletype)
if not Path(old_name).exists():
logger.warning(f"{old_name} does not exist, skipping.")
if Path(new_name).exists():
logger.warning(f"{new_name} already exists, Removing.")
def get_datahandlerclass(datatype: str) -> Type[IDataHandler]:
Get datahandler class.
Could be done using Resolvers, but since this may be called often and resolvers
are rather expensive, doing this directly should improve performance.
:param datatype: datatype to use.
:return: Datahandler class
if datatype == "json":
from .jsondatahandler import JsonDataHandler
return JsonDataHandler
elif datatype == "jsongz":
from .jsondatahandler import JsonGzDataHandler
return JsonGzDataHandler
elif datatype == "hdf5":
from .hdf5datahandler import HDF5DataHandler
return HDF5DataHandler
elif datatype == "feather":
from .featherdatahandler import FeatherDataHandler
return FeatherDataHandler
elif datatype == "parquet":
from .parquetdatahandler import ParquetDataHandler
return ParquetDataHandler
raise ValueError(f"No datahandler for datatype {datatype} available.")
def get_datahandler(
datadir: Path, data_format: Optional[str] = None, data_handler: Optional[IDataHandler] = None
) -> IDataHandler:
:param datadir: Folder to save data
:param data_format: dataformat to use
:param data_handler: returns this datahandler if it exists or initializes a new one
if not data_handler:
HandlerClass = get_datahandlerclass(data_format or "feather")
data_handler = HandlerClass(datadir)
return data_handler