2024-05-13 07:10:25 +02:00

1026 lines
42 KiB

import copy
import inspect
import logging
import random
import shutil
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import pandas as pd
import psutil
from datasieve.pipeline import Pipeline
from pandas import DataFrame
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from freqtrade.configuration import TimeRange
from freqtrade.constants import DOCS_LINK, Config
from import reduce_dataframe_footprint
from freqtrade.exceptions import OperationalException
from import timeframe_to_seconds
from freqtrade.strategy import merge_informative_pair
from freqtrade.strategy.interface import IStrategy
pd.set_option("future.no_silent_downcasting", True)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FreqaiDataKitchen:
Class designed to analyze data for a single pair. Employed by the IFreqaiModel class.
Functionalities include holding, saving, loading, and analyzing the data.
This object is not persistent, it is reinstantiated for each coin, each time the coin
model needs to be inferenced or trained.
Record of contribution:
FreqAI was developed by a group of individuals who all contributed specific skillsets to the
Conception and software development:
Robert Caulk @robcaulk
Theoretical brainstorming:
Elin Törnquist @th0rntwig
Code review, software architecture brainstorming:
Beta testing and bug reporting:
@bloodhunter4rc, Salah Lamkadem @ikonx, @ken11o2, @longyu, @paranoidandy, @smidelis, @smarm
Juha Nykänen @suikula, Wagner Costa @wagnercosta, Johan Vlugt @Jooopieeert
def __init__(
config: Config,
live: bool = False,
pair: str = "",
): Dict[str, Any] = {}
self.data_dictionary: Dict[str, DataFrame] = {}
self.config = config
self.freqai_config: Dict[str, Any] = config["freqai"]
self.full_df: DataFrame = DataFrame()
self.append_df: DataFrame = DataFrame()
self.data_path = Path()
self.label_list: List = []
self.training_features_list: List = []
self.model_filename: str = ""
self.backtesting_results_path = Path()
self.backtest_predictions_folder: str = "backtesting_predictions" = live
self.pair = pair
self.keras: bool = self.freqai_config.get("keras", False)
self.backtest_live_models = config.get("freqai_backtest_live_models", False)
self.feature_pipeline = Pipeline()
self.label_pipeline = Pipeline()
self.DI_values: npt.NDArray = np.array([])
if not
self.full_path = self.get_full_models_path(self.config)
if not self.backtest_live_models:
self.full_timerange = self.create_fulltimerange(
self.config["timerange"], self.freqai_config.get("train_period_days", 0)
(self.training_timeranges, self.backtesting_timeranges) = self.split_timerange(
)["extra_returns_per_train"] = self.freqai_config.get("extra_returns_per_train", {})
if not self.freqai_config.get("data_kitchen_thread_count", 0):
self.thread_count = max(int(psutil.cpu_count() * 2 - 2), 1)
self.thread_count = self.freqai_config["data_kitchen_thread_count"]
self.train_dates: DataFrame = pd.DataFrame()
self.unique_classes: Dict[str, list] = {}
self.unique_class_list: list = []
self.backtest_live_models_data: Dict[str, Any] = {}
def set_paths(
pair: str,
trained_timestamp: Optional[int] = None,
) -> None:
Set the paths to the data for the present coin/botloop
:param metadata: dict = strategy furnished pair metadata
:param trained_timestamp: int = timestamp of most recent training
self.full_path = self.get_full_models_path(self.config)
self.data_path = Path(
self.full_path / f"sub-train-{pair.split('/')[0]}_{trained_timestamp}"
def make_train_test_datasets(
self, filtered_dataframe: DataFrame, labels: DataFrame
) -> Dict[Any, Any]:
Given the dataframe for the full history for training, split the data into
training and test data according to user specified parameters in configuration
:param filtered_dataframe: cleaned dataframe ready to be split.
:param labels: cleaned labels ready to be split.
feat_dict = self.freqai_config["feature_parameters"]
if "shuffle" not in self.freqai_config["data_split_parameters"]:
self.freqai_config["data_split_parameters"].update({"shuffle": False})
weights: npt.ArrayLike
if feat_dict.get("weight_factor", 0) > 0:
weights = self.set_weights_higher_recent(len(filtered_dataframe))
weights = np.ones(len(filtered_dataframe))
if self.freqai_config.get("data_split_parameters", {}).get("test_size", 0.1) != 0:
) = train_test_split(
filtered_dataframe[: filtered_dataframe.shape[0]],
test_labels = np.zeros(2)
test_features = pd.DataFrame()
test_weights = np.zeros(2)
train_features = filtered_dataframe
train_labels = labels
train_weights = weights
if feat_dict["shuffle_after_split"]:
rint1 = random.randint(0, 100)
rint2 = random.randint(0, 100)
train_features = train_features.sample(frac=1, random_state=rint1).reset_index(
train_labels = train_labels.sample(frac=1, random_state=rint1).reset_index(drop=True)
train_weights = (
.sample(frac=1, random_state=rint1)
.to_numpy()[:, 0]
test_features = test_features.sample(frac=1, random_state=rint2).reset_index(drop=True)
test_labels = test_labels.sample(frac=1, random_state=rint2).reset_index(drop=True)
test_weights = (
.sample(frac=1, random_state=rint2)
.to_numpy()[:, 0]
# Simplest way to reverse the order of training and test data:
if self.freqai_config["feature_parameters"].get("reverse_train_test_order", False):
return self.build_data_dictionary(
return self.build_data_dictionary(
def filter_features(
unfiltered_df: DataFrame,
training_feature_list: List,
label_list: List = list(),
training_filter: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]:
Filter the unfiltered dataframe to extract the user requested features/labels and properly
remove all NaNs. Any row with a NaN is removed from training dataset or replaced with
0s in the prediction dataset. However, prediction dataset do_predict will reflect any
row that had a NaN and will shield user from that prediction.
:param unfiltered_df: the full dataframe for the present training period
:param training_feature_list: list, the training feature list constructed by
self.build_feature_list() according to user specified
parameters in the configuration file.
:param labels: the labels for the dataset
:param training_filter: boolean which lets the function know if it is training data or
prediction data to be filtered.
:filtered_df: dataframe cleaned of NaNs and only containing the user
requested feature set.
:labels: labels cleaned of NaNs.
filtered_df = unfiltered_df.filter(training_feature_list, axis=1)
filtered_df = filtered_df.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan)
drop_index = pd.isnull(filtered_df).any(axis=1) # get the rows that have NaNs,
drop_index = drop_index.replace(True, 1).replace(False, 0).infer_objects(copy=False)
if training_filter:
# we don't care about total row number (total no. datapoints) in training, we only care
# about removing any row with NaNs
# if labels has multiple columns (user wants to train multiple modelEs), we detect here
labels = unfiltered_df.filter(label_list, axis=1)
drop_index_labels = pd.isnull(labels).any(axis=1)
drop_index_labels = (
drop_index_labels.replace(True, 1).replace(False, 0).infer_objects(copy=False)
dates = unfiltered_df["date"]
filtered_df = filtered_df[
(drop_index == 0) & (drop_index_labels == 0)
] # dropping values
labels = labels[
(drop_index == 0) & (drop_index_labels == 0)
] # assuming the labels depend entirely on the dataframe here.
self.train_dates = dates[(drop_index == 0) & (drop_index_labels == 0)]
f"{self.pair}: dropped {len(unfiltered_df) - len(filtered_df)} training points"
f" due to NaNs in populated dataset {len(unfiltered_df)}."
if len(filtered_df) == 0 and not
raise OperationalException(
f"{self.pair}: all training data dropped due to NaNs. "
"You likely did not download enough training data prior "
"to your backtest timerange. Hint:\n"
if (1 - len(filtered_df) / len(unfiltered_df)) > 0.1 and
worst_indicator = str(unfiltered_df.count().idxmin())
f" {(1 - len(filtered_df) / len(unfiltered_df)) * 100:.0f} percent "
" of training data dropped due to NaNs, model may perform inconsistent "
f"with expectations. Verify {worst_indicator}"
)["filter_drop_index_training"] = drop_index
# we are backtesting so we need to preserve row number to send back to strategy,
# so now we use do_predict to avoid any prediction based on a NaN
drop_index = pd.isnull(filtered_df).any(axis=1)["filter_drop_index_prediction"] = drop_index
filtered_df.fillna(0, inplace=True)
# replacing all NaNs with zeros to avoid issues in 'prediction', but any prediction
# that was based on a single NaN is ultimately protected from buys with do_predict
drop_index = ~drop_index
self.do_predict = np.array(drop_index.replace(True, 1).replace(False, 0))
if (len(self.do_predict) - self.do_predict.sum()) > 0:
"dropped %s of %s prediction data points due to NaNs.",
len(self.do_predict) - self.do_predict.sum(),
labels = []
return filtered_df, labels
def build_data_dictionary(
train_df: DataFrame,
test_df: DataFrame,
train_labels: DataFrame,
test_labels: DataFrame,
train_weights: Any,
test_weights: Any,
) -> Dict:
self.data_dictionary = {
"train_features": train_df,
"test_features": test_df,
"train_labels": train_labels,
"test_labels": test_labels,
"train_weights": train_weights,
"test_weights": test_weights,
"train_dates": self.train_dates,
return self.data_dictionary
def split_timerange(
self, tr: str, train_split: int = 28, bt_split: float = 7
) -> Tuple[list, list]:
Function which takes a single time range (tr) and splits it
into sub timeranges to train and backtest on based on user input
tr: str, full timerange to train on
train_split: the period length for the each training (days). Specified in user
configuration file
bt_split: the backtesting length (days). Specified in user configuration file
if not isinstance(train_split, int) or train_split < 1:
raise OperationalException(
f"train_period_days must be an integer greater than 0. Got {train_split}."
train_period_days = train_split * SECONDS_IN_DAY
bt_period = bt_split * SECONDS_IN_DAY
full_timerange = TimeRange.parse_timerange(tr)
config_timerange = TimeRange.parse_timerange(self.config["timerange"])
if config_timerange.stopts == 0:
config_timerange.stopts = int(
timerange_train = copy.deepcopy(full_timerange)
timerange_backtest = copy.deepcopy(full_timerange)
tr_training_list = []
tr_backtesting_list = []
tr_training_list_timerange = []
tr_backtesting_list_timerange = []
first = True
while True:
if not first:
timerange_train.startts = timerange_train.startts + int(bt_period)
timerange_train.stopts = timerange_train.startts + train_period_days
first = False
# associated backtest period
timerange_backtest.startts = timerange_train.stopts
timerange_backtest.stopts = timerange_backtest.startts + int(bt_period)
if timerange_backtest.stopts > config_timerange.stopts:
timerange_backtest.stopts = config_timerange.stopts
# ensure we are predicting on exactly same amount of data as requested by user defined
# --timerange
if timerange_backtest.stopts == config_timerange.stopts:
# print(tr_training_list, tr_backtesting_list)
return tr_training_list_timerange, tr_backtesting_list_timerange
def slice_dataframe(self, timerange: TimeRange, df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
Given a full dataframe, extract the user desired window
:param tr: timerange string that we wish to extract from df
:param df: Dataframe containing all candles to run the entire backtest. Here
it is sliced down to just the present training period.
if not
df = df.loc[(df["date"] >= timerange.startdt) & (df["date"] < timerange.stopdt), :]
df = df.loc[df["date"] >= timerange.startdt, :]
return df
def find_features(self, dataframe: DataFrame) -> None:
Find features in the strategy provided dataframe
:param dataframe: DataFrame = strategy provided dataframe
features: list = the features to be used for training/prediction
column_names = dataframe.columns
features = [c for c in column_names if "%" in c]
if not features:
raise OperationalException("Could not find any features!")
self.training_features_list = features
def find_labels(self, dataframe: DataFrame) -> None:
column_names = dataframe.columns
labels = [c for c in column_names if "&" in c]
self.label_list = labels
def set_weights_higher_recent(self, num_weights: int) -> npt.ArrayLike:
Set weights so that recent data is more heavily weighted during
training than older data.
wfactor = self.config["freqai"]["feature_parameters"]["weight_factor"]
weights = np.exp(-np.arange(num_weights) / (wfactor * num_weights))[::-1]
return weights
def get_predictions_to_append(
self, predictions: DataFrame, do_predict: npt.ArrayLike, dataframe_backtest: DataFrame
) -> DataFrame:
Get backtest prediction from current backtest period
append_df = DataFrame()
for label in predictions.columns:
append_df[label] = predictions[label]
if append_df[label].dtype == object:
if "labels_mean" in
append_df[f"{label}_mean"] =["labels_mean"][label]
if "labels_std" in
append_df[f"{label}_std"] =["labels_std"][label]
for extra_col in["extra_returns_per_train"]:
append_df[f"{extra_col}"] =["extra_returns_per_train"][extra_col]
append_df["do_predict"] = do_predict
if self.freqai_config["feature_parameters"].get("DI_threshold", 0) > 0:
append_df["DI_values"] = self.DI_values
user_cols = [col for col in dataframe_backtest.columns if col.startswith("%%")]
cols = ["date"]
dataframe_backtest.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
merged_df = pd.concat([dataframe_backtest[cols], append_df], axis=1)
return merged_df
def append_predictions(self, append_df: DataFrame) -> None:
Append backtest prediction from current backtest period to all previous periods
if self.full_df.empty:
self.full_df = append_df
self.full_df = pd.concat([self.full_df, append_df], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
def fill_predictions(self, dataframe):
Back fill values to before the backtesting range so that the dataframe matches size
when it goes back to the strategy. These rows are not included in the backtest.
to_keep = [
col for col in dataframe.columns if not col.startswith("&") and not col.startswith("%%")
self.return_dataframe = pd.merge(dataframe[to_keep], self.full_df, how="left", on="date")
self.return_dataframe[self.full_df.columns] = self.return_dataframe[
self.full_df = DataFrame()
def create_fulltimerange(self, backtest_tr: str, backtest_period_days: int) -> str:
if not isinstance(backtest_period_days, int):
raise OperationalException("backtest_period_days must be an integer")
if backtest_period_days < 0:
raise OperationalException("backtest_period_days must be positive")
backtest_timerange = TimeRange.parse_timerange(backtest_tr)
if backtest_timerange.stopts == 0:
# typically open ended time ranges do work, however, there are some edge cases where
# it does not. accommodating these kinds of edge cases just to allow open-ended
# timerange is not high enough priority to warrant the effort. It is safer for now
# to simply ask user to add their end date
raise OperationalException(
"FreqAI backtesting does not allow open ended timeranges. "
"Please indicate the end date of your desired backtesting. "
# backtest_timerange.stopts = int(
# )
backtest_timerange.startts = (
backtest_timerange.startts - backtest_period_days * SECONDS_IN_DAY
full_timerange = backtest_timerange.timerange_str
config_path = Path(self.config["config_files"][0])
if not self.full_path.is_dir():
self.full_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
Path(self.full_path /[-1]),
return full_timerange
def check_if_model_expired(self, trained_timestamp: int) -> bool:
A model age checker to determine if the model is trustworthy based on user defined
`expiration_hours` in the configuration file.
:param trained_timestamp: int = The time of training for the most recent model.
bool = If the model is expired or not.
time =
elapsed_time = (time - trained_timestamp) / 3600 # hours
max_time = self.freqai_config.get("expiration_hours", 0)
if max_time > 0:
return elapsed_time > max_time
return False
def check_if_new_training_required(
self, trained_timestamp: int
) -> Tuple[bool, TimeRange, TimeRange]:
time =
trained_timerange = TimeRange()
data_load_timerange = TimeRange()
timeframes = self.freqai_config["feature_parameters"].get("include_timeframes")
max_tf_seconds = 0
for tf in timeframes:
secs = timeframe_to_seconds(tf)
if secs > max_tf_seconds:
max_tf_seconds = secs
# We notice that users like to use exotic indicators where
# they do not know the required timeperiod. Here we include a factor
# of safety by multiplying the user considered "max" by 2.
max_period = self.config.get("startup_candle_count", 20) * 2
additional_seconds = max_period * max_tf_seconds
if trained_timestamp != 0:
elapsed_time = (time - trained_timestamp) / SECONDS_IN_HOUR
retrain = elapsed_time > self.freqai_config.get("live_retrain_hours", 0)
if retrain:
trained_timerange.startts = int(
time - self.freqai_config.get("train_period_days", 0) * SECONDS_IN_DAY
trained_timerange.stopts = int(time)
# we want to load/populate indicators on more data than we plan to train on so
# because most of the indicators have a rolling timeperiod, and are thus NaNs
# unless they have data further back in time before the start of the train period
data_load_timerange.startts = int(
- self.freqai_config.get("train_period_days", 0) * SECONDS_IN_DAY
- additional_seconds
data_load_timerange.stopts = int(time)
else: # user passed no live_trained_timerange in config
trained_timerange.startts = int(
time - self.freqai_config.get("train_period_days", 0) * SECONDS_IN_DAY
trained_timerange.stopts = int(time)
data_load_timerange.startts = int(
- self.freqai_config.get("train_period_days", 0) * SECONDS_IN_DAY
- additional_seconds
data_load_timerange.stopts = int(time)
retrain = True
return retrain, trained_timerange, data_load_timerange
def set_new_model_names(self, pair: str, timestamp_id: int):
coin, _ = pair.split("/")
self.data_path = Path(self.full_path / f"sub-train-{pair.split('/')[0]}_{timestamp_id}")
self.model_filename = f"cb_{coin.lower()}_{timestamp_id}"
def set_all_pairs(self) -> None:
self.all_pairs = copy.deepcopy(
self.freqai_config["feature_parameters"].get("include_corr_pairlist", [])
for pair in self.config.get("exchange", "").get("pair_whitelist"):
if pair not in self.all_pairs:
def extract_corr_pair_columns_from_populated_indicators(
self, dataframe: DataFrame
) -> Dict[str, DataFrame]:
Find the columns of the dataframe corresponding to the corr_pairlist, save them
in a dictionary to be reused and attached to other pairs.
:param dataframe: fully populated dataframe (current pair + corr_pairs)
:return: corr_dataframes, dictionary of dataframes to be attached
to other pairs in same candle.
corr_dataframes: Dict[str, DataFrame] = {}
pairs = self.freqai_config["feature_parameters"].get("include_corr_pairlist", [])
for pair in pairs:
pair = pair.replace(":", "") # lightgbm does not like colons
pair_cols = [
col for col in dataframe.columns if col.startswith("%") and f"{pair}_" in col
if pair_cols:
pair_cols.insert(0, "date")
corr_dataframes[pair] = dataframe.filter(pair_cols, axis=1)
return corr_dataframes
def attach_corr_pair_columns(
self, dataframe: DataFrame, corr_dataframes: Dict[str, DataFrame], current_pair: str
) -> DataFrame:
Attach the existing corr_pair dataframes to the current pair dataframe before training
:param dataframe: current pair strategy dataframe, indicators populated already
:param corr_dataframes: dictionary of saved dataframes from earlier in the same candle
:param current_pair: current pair to which we will attach corr pair dataframe
:dataframe: current pair dataframe of populated indicators, concatenated with corr_pairs
ready for training
pairs = self.freqai_config["feature_parameters"].get("include_corr_pairlist", [])
current_pair = current_pair.replace(":", "")
for pair in pairs:
pair = pair.replace(":", "") # lightgbm does not work with colons
if current_pair != pair:
dataframe = dataframe.merge(corr_dataframes[pair], how="left", on="date")
return dataframe
def get_pair_data_for_features(
pair: str,
tf: str,
strategy: IStrategy,
corr_dataframes: dict = {},
base_dataframes: dict = {},
is_corr_pairs: bool = False,
) -> DataFrame:
Get the data for the pair. If it's not in the dictionary, get it from the data provider
:param pair: str = pair to get data for
:param tf: str = timeframe to get data for
:param strategy: IStrategy = user defined strategy object
:param corr_dataframes: dict = dict containing the df pair dataframes
(for user defined timeframes)
:param base_dataframes: dict = dict containing the current pair dataframes
(for user defined timeframes)
:param is_corr_pairs: bool = whether the pair is a corr pair or not
:return: dataframe = dataframe containing the pair data
if is_corr_pairs:
dataframe = corr_dataframes[pair][tf]
if not dataframe.empty:
return dataframe
dataframe = strategy.dp.get_pair_dataframe(pair=pair, timeframe=tf)
return dataframe
dataframe = base_dataframes[tf]
if not dataframe.empty:
return dataframe
dataframe = strategy.dp.get_pair_dataframe(pair=pair, timeframe=tf)
return dataframe
def merge_features(
self, df_main: DataFrame, df_to_merge: DataFrame, tf: str, timeframe_inf: str, suffix: str
) -> DataFrame:
Merge the features of the dataframe and remove HLCV and date added columns
:param df_main: DataFrame = main dataframe
:param df_to_merge: DataFrame = dataframe to merge
:param tf: str = timeframe of the main dataframe
:param timeframe_inf: str = timeframe of the dataframe to merge
:param suffix: str = suffix to add to the columns of the dataframe to merge
:return: dataframe = merged dataframe
dataframe = merge_informative_pair(
skip_columns = [
(f"{s}_{suffix}") for s in ["date", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]
dataframe = dataframe.drop(columns=skip_columns)
return dataframe
def populate_features(
dataframe: DataFrame,
pair: str,
strategy: IStrategy,
corr_dataframes: dict,
base_dataframes: dict,
is_corr_pairs: bool = False,
) -> DataFrame:
Use the user defined strategy functions for populating features
:param dataframe: DataFrame = dataframe to populate
:param pair: str = pair to populate
:param strategy: IStrategy = user defined strategy object
:param corr_dataframes: dict = dict containing the df pair dataframes
:param base_dataframes: dict = dict containing the current pair dataframes
:param is_corr_pairs: bool = whether the pair is a corr pair or not
:return: dataframe = populated dataframe
tfs: List[str] = self.freqai_config["feature_parameters"].get("include_timeframes")
for tf in tfs:
metadata = {"pair": pair, "tf": tf}
informative_df = self.get_pair_data_for_features(
pair, tf, strategy, corr_dataframes, base_dataframes, is_corr_pairs
informative_copy = informative_df.copy()
logger.debug(f"Populating features for {pair} {tf}")
for t in self.freqai_config["feature_parameters"]["indicator_periods_candles"]:
df_features = strategy.feature_engineering_expand_all(
informative_copy.copy(), t, metadata=metadata
suffix = f"{t}"
informative_df = self.merge_features(informative_df, df_features, tf, tf, suffix)
generic_df = strategy.feature_engineering_expand_basic(
informative_copy.copy(), metadata=metadata
suffix = "gen"
informative_df = self.merge_features(informative_df, generic_df, tf, tf, suffix)
indicators = [col for col in informative_df if col.startswith("%")]
for n in range(self.freqai_config["feature_parameters"]["include_shifted_candles"] + 1):
if n == 0:
df_shift = informative_df[indicators].shift(n)
df_shift = df_shift.add_suffix("_shift-" + str(n))
informative_df = pd.concat((informative_df, df_shift), axis=1)
dataframe = self.merge_features(
dataframe.copy(), informative_df, self.config["timeframe"], tf, f"{pair}_{tf}"
return dataframe
def use_strategy_to_populate_indicators( # noqa: C901
strategy: IStrategy,
corr_dataframes: dict = {},
base_dataframes: dict = {},
pair: str = "",
prediction_dataframe: DataFrame = pd.DataFrame(),
do_corr_pairs: bool = True,
) -> DataFrame:
Use the user defined strategy for populating indicators during retrain
:param strategy: IStrategy = user defined strategy object
:param corr_dataframes: dict = dict containing the df pair dataframes
(for user defined timeframes)
:param base_dataframes: dict = dict containing the current pair dataframes
(for user defined timeframes)
:param pair: str = pair to populate
:param prediction_dataframe: DataFrame = dataframe containing the pair data
used for prediction
:param do_corr_pairs: bool = whether to populate corr pairs or not
dataframe: DataFrame = dataframe containing populated indicators
# check if the user is using the deprecated populate_any_indicators function
new_version = inspect.getsource(strategy.populate_any_indicators) == (
if not new_version:
raise OperationalException(
"You are using the `populate_any_indicators()` function"
" which was deprecated on March 1, 2023. Please refer "
"to the strategy migration guide to use the new "
"feature_engineering_* methods: \n"
f"{DOCS_LINK}/strategy_migration/#freqai-strategy \n"
"And the feature_engineering_* documentation: \n"
tfs: List[str] = self.freqai_config["feature_parameters"].get("include_timeframes")
pairs: List[str] = self.freqai_config["feature_parameters"].get("include_corr_pairlist", [])
for tf in tfs:
if tf not in base_dataframes:
base_dataframes[tf] = pd.DataFrame()
for p in pairs:
if p not in corr_dataframes:
corr_dataframes[p] = {}
if tf not in corr_dataframes[p]:
corr_dataframes[p][tf] = pd.DataFrame()
if not prediction_dataframe.empty:
dataframe = prediction_dataframe.copy()
base_dataframes[self.config["timeframe"]] = dataframe.copy()
dataframe = base_dataframes[self.config["timeframe"]].copy()
corr_pairs: List[str] = self.freqai_config["feature_parameters"].get(
"include_corr_pairlist", []
dataframe = self.populate_features(
dataframe.copy(), pair, strategy, corr_dataframes, base_dataframes
metadata = {"pair": pair}
dataframe = strategy.feature_engineering_standard(dataframe.copy(), metadata=metadata)
# ensure corr pairs are always last
for corr_pair in corr_pairs:
if pair == corr_pair:
continue # dont repeat anything from whitelist
if corr_pairs and do_corr_pairs:
dataframe = self.populate_features(
dataframe.copy(), corr_pair, strategy, corr_dataframes, base_dataframes, True
dataframe = strategy.set_freqai_targets(dataframe.copy(), metadata=metadata)
dataframe = self.remove_special_chars_from_feature_names(dataframe)
if self.config.get("reduce_df_footprint", False):
dataframe = reduce_dataframe_footprint(dataframe)
return dataframe
def fit_labels(self) -> None:
Fit the labels with a gaussian distribution
import scipy as spy["labels_mean"],["labels_std"] = {}, {}
for label in self.data_dictionary["train_labels"].columns:
if self.data_dictionary["train_labels"][label].dtype == object:
f =["train_labels"][label])["labels_mean"][label],["labels_std"][label] = f[0], f[1]
# in case targets are classifications
for label in self.unique_class_list:["labels_mean"][label],["labels_std"][label] = 0, 0
def remove_features_from_df(self, dataframe: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
Remove the features from the dataframe before returning it to strategy. This keeps it
compact for Frequi purposes.
to_keep = [
col for col in dataframe.columns if not col.startswith("%") or col.startswith("%%")
return dataframe[to_keep]
def get_unique_classes_from_labels(self, dataframe: DataFrame) -> None:
# self.find_features(dataframe)
for key in self.label_list:
if dataframe[key].dtype == object:
self.unique_classes[key] = dataframe[key].dropna().unique()
if self.unique_classes:
for label in self.unique_classes:
self.unique_class_list += list(self.unique_classes[label])
def save_backtesting_prediction(self, append_df: DataFrame) -> None:
Save prediction dataframe from backtesting to feather file format
:param append_df: dataframe for backtesting period
full_predictions_folder = Path(self.full_path / self.backtest_predictions_folder)
if not full_predictions_folder.is_dir():
full_predictions_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
def get_backtesting_prediction(self) -> DataFrame:
Get prediction dataframe from feather file format
append_df = pd.read_feather(self.backtesting_results_path)
return append_df
def check_if_backtest_prediction_is_valid(self, len_backtest_df: int) -> bool:
Check if a backtesting prediction already exists and if the predictions
to append have the same size as the backtesting dataframe slice
:param length_backtesting_dataframe: Length of backtesting dataframe slice
:boolean: whether the prediction file is valid.
path_to_predictionfile = Path(
/ self.backtest_predictions_folder
/ f"{self.model_filename}_prediction.feather"
self.backtesting_results_path = path_to_predictionfile
file_exists = path_to_predictionfile.is_file()
if file_exists:
append_df = self.get_backtesting_prediction()
if len(append_df) == len_backtest_df and "date" in append_df:"Found backtesting prediction file at {path_to_predictionfile}")
return True
"A new backtesting prediction file is required. "
"(Number of predictions is different from dataframe length or "
"old prediction file version)."
return False
else:"Could not find backtesting prediction file at {path_to_predictionfile}")
return False
def get_full_models_path(self, config: Config) -> Path:
Returns default FreqAI model path
:param config: Configuration dictionary
freqai_config: Dict[str, Any] = config["freqai"]
return Path(config["user_data_dir"] / "models" / str(freqai_config.get("identifier")))
def remove_special_chars_from_feature_names(self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
Remove all special characters from feature strings (:)
:param dataframe: the dataframe that just finished indicator population. (unfiltered)
:return: dataframe with cleaned featrue names
spec_chars = [":"]
for c in spec_chars:
dataframe.columns = dataframe.columns.str.replace(c, "")
return dataframe
def buffer_timerange(self, timerange: TimeRange):
Buffer the start and end of the timerange. This is used *after* the indicators
are populated.
The main example use is when predicting maxima and minima, the argrelextrema
function cannot know the maxima/minima at the edges of the timerange. To improve
model accuracy, it is best to compute argrelextrema on the full timerange
and then use this function to cut off the edges (buffer) by the kernel.
In another case, if the targets are set to a shifted price movement, this
buffer is unnecessary because the shifted candles at the end of the timerange
will be NaN and FreqAI will automatically cut those off of the training
buffer = self.freqai_config["feature_parameters"]["buffer_train_data_candles"]
if buffer:
timerange.stopts -= buffer * timeframe_to_seconds(self.config["timeframe"])
timerange.startts += buffer * timeframe_to_seconds(self.config["timeframe"])
return timerange
# deprecated functions
def normalize_data(self, data_dictionary: Dict) -> Dict[Any, Any]:
Deprecation warning, migration assistance
f"Your custom IFreqaiModel relies on the deprecated"
" data pipeline. Please update your model to use the new data pipeline."
" This can be achieved by following the migration guide at "
f"{DOCS_LINK}/strategy_migration/#freqai-new-data-pipeline "
"We added a basic pipeline for you, but this will be removed "
"in a future version."
return data_dictionary
def denormalize_labels_from_metadata(self, df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
Deprecation warning, migration assistance
f"Your custom IFreqaiModel relies on the deprecated"
" data pipeline. Please update your model to use the new data pipeline."
" This can be achieved by following the migration guide at "
f"{DOCS_LINK}/strategy_migration/#freqai-new-data-pipeline "
"We added a basic pipeline for you, but this will be removed "
"in a future version."
pred_df, _, _ = self.label_pipeline.inverse_transform(df)
return pred_df