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This module loads custom exchanges
import logging
import as exchanges
from import MAP_EXCHANGE_CHILDCLASS, Exchange
from freqtrade.resolvers import IResolver
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ExchangeResolver(IResolver):
This class contains all the logic to load a custom exchange class
object_type = Exchange
def load_exchange(exchange_name: str, config: dict, validate: bool = True,
freqai: bool = False) -> Exchange:
Load the custom class from config parameter
:param exchange_name: name of the Exchange to load
:param config: configuration dictionary
# Map exchange name to avoid duplicate classes for identical exchanges
exchange_name = MAP_EXCHANGE_CHILDCLASS.get(exchange_name, exchange_name)
exchange_name = exchange_name.title()
exchange = None
exchange = ExchangeResolver._load_exchange(exchange_name,
kwargs={'config': config,
'validate': validate,
'freqai': freqai})
except ImportError:
f"No {exchange_name} specific subclass found. Using the generic class instead.")
if not exchange:
exchange = Exchange(config, validate=validate)
return exchange
def _load_exchange(exchange_name: str, kwargs: dict) -> Exchange:
Loads the specified exchange.
Only checks for exchanges exported in freqtrade.exchanges
:param exchange_name: name of the module to import
:return: Exchange instance or None
ex_class = getattr(exchanges, exchange_name)
exchange = ex_class(**kwargs)
if exchange:"Using resolved exchange '{exchange_name}'...")
return exchange
except AttributeError:
# Pass and raise ImportError instead
raise ImportError(
f"Impossible to load Exchange '{exchange_name}'. This class does not exist "
"or contains Python code errors."