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<h1 id="advanced-post-installation-tasks">Advanced Post-installation Tasks<a class="headerlink" href="#advanced-post-installation-tasks" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h1>
<p>This page explains some advanced tasks and configuration options that can be performed after the bot installation and may be uselful in some environments.</p>
<p>If you do not know what things mentioned here mean, you probably do not need it.</p>
<h2 id="configure-the-bot-running-as-a-systemd-service">Configure the bot running as a systemd service<a class="headerlink" href="#configure-the-bot-running-as-a-systemd-service" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
<p>Copy the <code>freqtrade.service</code> file to your systemd user directory (usually <code>~/.config/systemd/user</code>) and update <code>WorkingDirectory</code> and <code>ExecStart</code> to match your setup.</p>
<div class="admonition note">
<p class="admonition-title">Note</p>
<p>Certain systems (like Raspbian) don't load service unit files from the user directory. In this case, copy <code>freqtrade.service</code> into <code>/etc/systemd/user/</code> (requires superuser permissions).</p>
<p>After that you can start the daemon with:</p>
<div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><code>systemctl<span class="w"> </span>--user<span class="w"> </span>start<span class="w"> </span>freqtrade
<p>For this to be persistent (run when user is logged out) you'll need to enable <code>linger</code> for your freqtrade user.</p>
<div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><code>sudo<span class="w"> </span>loginctl<span class="w"> </span>enable-linger<span class="w"> </span><span class="s2">&quot;</span><span class="nv">$USER</span><span class="s2">&quot;</span>
<p>If you run the bot as a service, you can use systemd service manager as a software watchdog monitoring freqtrade bot
state and restarting it in the case of failures. If the <code>internals.sd_notify</code> parameter is set to true in the
configuration or the <code>--sd-notify</code> command line option is used, the bot will send keep-alive ping messages to systemd
using the sd_notify (systemd notifications) protocol and will also tell systemd its current state (Running or Stopped)
when it changes. </p>
<p>The <code>freqtrade.service.watchdog</code> file contains an example of the service unit configuration file which uses systemd
as the watchdog.</p>
<div class="admonition note">
<p class="admonition-title">Note</p>
<p>The sd_notify communication between the bot and the systemd service manager will not work if the bot runs in a Docker container.</p>
<h2 id="advanced-logging">Advanced Logging<a class="headerlink" href="#advanced-logging" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
<p>On many Linux systems the bot can be configured to send its log messages to <code>syslog</code> or <code>journald</code> system services. Logging to a remote <code>syslog</code> server is also available on Windows. The special values for the <code>--logfilename</code> command line option can be used for this.</p>
<h3 id="logging-to-syslog">Logging to syslog<a class="headerlink" href="#logging-to-syslog" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
<p>To send Freqtrade log messages to a local or remote <code>syslog</code> service use the <code>--logfilename</code> command line option with the value in the following format:</p>
<li><code>--logfilename syslog:&lt;syslog_address&gt;</code> -- send log messages to <code>syslog</code> service using the <code>&lt;syslog_address&gt;</code> as the syslog address.</li>
<p>The syslog address can be either a Unix domain socket (socket filename) or a UDP socket specification, consisting of IP address and UDP port, separated by the <code>:</code> character.</p>
<p>So, the following are the examples of possible usages:</p>
<li><code>--logfilename syslog:/dev/log</code> -- log to syslog (rsyslog) using the <code>/dev/log</code> socket, suitable for most systems.</li>
<li><code>--logfilename syslog</code> -- same as above, the shortcut for <code>/dev/log</code>.</li>
<li><code>--logfilename syslog:/var/run/syslog</code> -- log to syslog (rsyslog) using the <code>/var/run/syslog</code> socket. Use this on MacOS.</li>
<li><code>--logfilename syslog:localhost:514</code> -- log to local syslog using UDP socket, if it listens on port 514.</li>
<li><code>--logfilename syslog:&lt;ip&gt;:514</code> -- log to remote syslog at IP address and port 514. This may be used on Windows for remote logging to an external syslog server.</li>
<p>Log messages are send to <code>syslog</code> with the <code>user</code> facility. So you can see them with the following commands:</p>
<li><code>tail -f /var/log/user</code>, or </li>
<li>install a comprehensive graphical viewer (for instance, 'Log File Viewer' for Ubuntu).</li>
<p>On many systems <code>syslog</code> (<code>rsyslog</code>) fetches data from <code>journald</code> (and vice versa), so both <code>--logfilename syslog</code> or <code>--logfilename journald</code> can be used and the messages be viewed with both <code>journalctl</code> and a syslog viewer utility. You can combine this in any way which suites you better.</p>
<p>For <code>rsyslog</code> the messages from the bot can be redirected into a separate dedicated log file. To achieve this, add
<div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><code>if $programname startswith &quot;freqtrade&quot; then -/var/log/freqtrade.log
to one of the rsyslog configuration files, for example at the end of the <code>/etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf</code>.</p>
<p>For <code>syslog</code> (<code>rsyslog</code>), the reduction mode can be switched on. This will reduce the number of repeating messages. For instance, multiple bot Heartbeat messages will be reduced to a single message when nothing else happens with the bot. To achieve this, set in <code>/etc/rsyslog.conf</code>:
<div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><code># Filter duplicated messages
$RepeatedMsgReduction on
<h3 id="logging-to-journald">Logging to journald<a class="headerlink" href="#logging-to-journald" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3>
<p>This needs the <code>systemd</code> python package installed as the dependency, which is not available on Windows. Hence, the whole journald logging functionality is not available for a bot running on Windows.</p>
<p>To send Freqtrade log messages to <code>journald</code> system service use the <code>--logfilename</code> command line option with the value in the following format:</p>
<li><code>--logfilename journald</code> -- send log messages to <code>journald</code>.</li>
<p>Log messages are send to <code>journald</code> with the <code>user</code> facility. So you can see them with the following commands:</p>
<li><code>journalctl -f</code> -- shows Freqtrade log messages sent to <code>journald</code> along with other log messages fetched by <code>journald</code>.</li>
<li><code>journalctl -f -u freqtrade.service</code> -- this command can be used when the bot is run as a <code>systemd</code> service.</li>
<p>There are many other options in the <code>journalctl</code> utility to filter the messages, see manual pages for this utility.</p>
<p>On many systems <code>syslog</code> (<code>rsyslog</code>) fetches data from <code>journald</code> (and vice versa), so both <code>--logfilename syslog</code> or <code>--logfilename journald</code> can be used and the messages be viewed with both <code>journalctl</code> and a syslog viewer utility. You can combine this in any way which suites you better.</p>
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