import { UserService } from '@/shared/userService'; import { BalanceInterface, BotDescriptor, BotDescriptors, BotState, DailyPayload, DailyRecord, DailyReturnValue, MultiDeletePayload, MultiForcesellPayload, ProfitInterface, RenameBotPayload, Trade, } from '@/types'; import { AxiosInstance } from 'axios'; import { defineStore } from 'pinia'; import { createBotSubStore } from './ftbot'; const AUTH_SELECTED_BOT = 'ftSelectedBot'; export type BotSubStore = ReturnType; export interface SubStores { [key: string]: BotSubStore; } export const useBotStore = defineStore('wrapper', { state: () => { return { selectedBot: '', availableBots: {} as BotDescriptors, globalAutoRefresh: true, refreshing: false, refreshInterval: null as number | null, refreshIntervalSlow: null as number | null, botStores: {} as SubStores, }; }, getters: { hasBots: (state) => Object.keys(state.availableBots).length > 0, botCount: (state) => Object.keys(state.availableBots).length, allBotStores: (state) => Object.values(state.botStores), activeBot: (state) => state.botStores[state.selectedBot] as BotSubStore, selectedBotObj: (state) => state.availableBots[state.selectedBot], nextBotId: (state) => { let botCount = Object.keys(state.availableBots).length; while (`ftbot.${botCount}` in state.availableBots) { botCount += 1; } return `ftbot.${botCount}`; }, allProfit: (state): Record => { const result: Record = {}; Object.entries(state.botStores).forEach(([k, botStore]) => { result[k] = botStore.profit; }); return result; }, allOpenTradeCount: (state): Record => { const result: Record = {}; Object.entries(state.botStores).forEach(([k, botStore]) => { result[k] = botStore.openTradeCount; }); return result; }, allOpenTrades: (state): Record => { const result: Record = {}; Object.entries(state.botStores).forEach(([k, botStore]) => { result[k] = botStore.openTrades; }); return result; }, allBalance: (state): Record => { const result: Record = {}; Object.entries(state.botStores).forEach(([k, botStore]) => { result[k] = botStore.balance; }); return result; }, allBotState: (state): Record => { const result: Record = {}; Object.entries(state.botStores).forEach(([k, botStore]) => { result[k] = botStore.botState; }); return result; }, allOpenTradesAllBots: (state): Trade[] => { const result: Trade[] = []; Object.entries(state.botStores).forEach(([, botStore]) => { result.push(...botStore.openTrades); }); return result; }, allTradesAllBots: (state): Trade[] => { const result: Trade[] = []; Object.entries(state.botStores).forEach(([, botStore]) => { result.push(...botStore.trades); }); return result; }, allDailyStatsAllBots: (state): DailyReturnValue => { const resp: Record = {}; Object.entries(state.botStores).forEach(([, botStore]) => { botStore.dailyStats?.data?.forEach((d) => { if (!resp[]) { resp[] = { ...d }; } else { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase resp[].abs_profit += d.abs_profit; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase resp[].fiat_value += d.fiat_value; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase resp[].trade_count += d.trade_count; } }); }); const dailyReturn: DailyReturnValue = { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase stake_currency: 'USDT', // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase fiat_display_currency: 'USD', data: Object.values(resp), }; return dailyReturn; }, }, actions: { selectBot(botId: string) { if (botId in this.availableBots) { localStorage.setItem(AUTH_SELECTED_BOT, botId); this.selectedBot = botId; } else { console.warn(`Botid ${botId} not available, but selected.`); } }, addBot(bot: BotDescriptor) { if (Object.keys(this.availableBots).includes(bot.botId)) { // throw 'Bot already present'; // TODO: handle error! console.log('Bot already present'); return; } console.log('add bot', bot); const botStore = createBotSubStore(bot.botId, bot.botName); botStore.botAdded(); this.botStores[bot.botId] = botStore; this.availableBots[bot.botId] = bot; }, renameBot(bot: RenameBotPayload) { if (!Object.keys(this.availableBots).includes(bot.botId)) { // TODO: handle error! console.error('Bot not found'); return; } this.botStores[bot.botId].rename(bot.botName); this.availableBots[bot.botId].botName = bot.botName; }, removeBot(botId: string) { if (Object.keys(this.availableBots).includes(botId)) { this.botStores[botId].logout(); this.botStores[botId].$dispose(); delete this.botStores[botId]; delete this.availableBots[botId]; // commit('removeBot', botId); } else { console.warn(`bot ${botId} not found! could not remove`); } }, selectFirstBot() { if (this.hasBots) { const selBotId = localStorage.getItem(AUTH_SELECTED_BOT); const firstBot = Object.keys(this.availableBots)[0]; let selBot: string | undefined = firstBot; if (selBotId) { selBot = Object.keys(this.availableBots).find((x) => x === selBotId); } this.selectBot(this.availableBots[selBot || firstBot].botId); } }, setGlobalAutoRefresh(value: boolean) { // TODO: could be removed. this.globalAutoRefresh = value; }, async allRefreshFrequent(forceUpdate = false) { const updates: Promise[] = []; this.allBotStores.forEach(async (e) => { if (e.refreshNow && (this.globalAutoRefresh || forceUpdate)) { updates.push(e.refreshFrequent()); } }); await Promise.all(updates); return Promise.resolve(); }, async allRefreshSlow(forceUpdate = false) { this.allBotStores.forEach(async (e) => { if (e.refreshNow && (this.globalAutoRefresh || forceUpdate)) { await e.refreshSlow(forceUpdate); } }); }, async allRefreshFull() { if (this.refreshing) { return; } this.refreshing = true; try { // Ensure all bots status is correct. await this.pingAll(); this.allBotStores.forEach(async (e) => { if (e.isBotOnline && !e.botStatusAvailable) { await this.allGetState(); } }); const updates: Promise[] = []; updates.push(this.allRefreshFrequent(false)); updates.push(this.allRefreshSlow(true)); // updates.push(this.getDaily()); // updates.push(this.getBalance()); await Promise.all(updates); console.log('refreshing_end'); } finally { this.refreshing = false; } }, startRefresh() { console.log('Starting automatic refresh.'); this.allRefreshFull(); if (!this.refreshInterval) { // Set interval for refresh const refreshInterval = window.setInterval(() => { this.allRefreshFrequent(); }, 5000); this.refreshInterval = refreshInterval; } if (!this.refreshIntervalSlow) { const refreshIntervalSlow = window.setInterval(() => { this.allRefreshSlow(false); }, 60000); this.refreshIntervalSlow = refreshIntervalSlow; } }, stopRefresh() { console.log('Stopping automatic refresh.'); if (this.refreshInterval) { window.clearInterval(this.refreshInterval); this.refreshInterval = null; } if (this.refreshIntervalSlow) { window.clearInterval(this.refreshIntervalSlow); this.refreshIntervalSlow = null; } }, async pingAll() { await Promise.all( Object.entries(this.botStores).map(async ([_, v]) => { try { await; } catch { // pass } }), ); }, allGetState() { Object.entries(this.botStores).map(async ([_, v]) => { try { await v.getState(); } catch { // pass } }); }, allGetDaily(payload: DailyPayload) { this.allBotStores.forEach((e) => { e.getDaily(payload); }); }, async forceSellMulti(forcesellPayload: MultiForcesellPayload) { // return dispatch(`${forcesellPayload.botId}/${[BotStoreActions.forcesell]}`, forcesellPayload); }, async deleteTradeMulti(deletePayload: MultiDeletePayload) { // return dispatch( // `${deletePayload.botId}/${[BotStoreActions.deleteTrade]}`, // deletePayload.tradeid, // ); }, }, }); export function initBots() { UserService.migrateLogin(); const botStore = useBotStore(); // This might need to be moved to the parent (?) Object.entries(UserService.getAvailableBots()).forEach(([, v]) => { botStore.addBot(v); }); botStore.selectFirstBot(); }