2024-06-27 22:42:38 +08:00

487 lines
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package types
import (
type RBTree struct {
Root *RBNode
size int
func NewRBTree() *RBTree {
var root = NewNil()
root.parent = NewNil()
return &RBTree{
Root: root,
func (tree *RBTree) Delete(key fixedpoint.Value) bool {
var deleting = tree.Search(key)
if deleting == nil {
return false
// y = the node to be deleted
// x (the child of the deleted node)
var x, y *RBNode
// fmt.Printf("neel = %p %+v\n", neel, neel)
// fmt.Printf("deleting = %+v\n", deleting)
// the deleting node has only one child, it's easy,
// we just connect the child the parent of the deleting node
if deleting.left.isNil() || deleting.right.isNil() {
y = deleting
// fmt.Printf("y = deleting = %+v\n", y)
} else {
// if both children are not NIL (neel), we need to find the successor
// and copy the successor to the memory location of the deleting node.
// since it's successor, it always has no child connecting to it.
y = tree.Successor(deleting)
// fmt.Printf("y = successor = %+v\n", y)
// y.left or y.right could be neel
if y.left.isNil() {
x = y.right
} else {
x = y.left
// fmt.Printf("x = %+v\n", y)
x.parent = y.parent
if y.parent.isNil() {
tree.Root = x
} else if y == y.parent.left {
y.parent.left = x
} else {
y.parent.right = x
// copy the data from the successor to the memory location of the deleting node
if y != deleting {
deleting.key = y.key
deleting.value = y.value
if y.color == Black {
return true
func (tree *RBTree) DeleteFixup(current *RBNode) {
for current != tree.Root && current.color == Black {
if current == current.parent.left {
sibling := current.parent.right
if sibling.color == Red {
sibling.color = Black
current.parent.color = Red
sibling = current.parent.right
// if both are black nodes
if sibling.left.color == Black && sibling.right.color == Black {
sibling.color = Red
current = current.parent
} else {
// only one of the child is black
if sibling.right.color == Black {
sibling.left.color = Black
sibling.color = Red
sibling = current.parent.right
sibling.color = current.parent.color
current.parent.color = Black
sibling.right.color = Black
current = tree.Root
} else { // if current is right child
sibling := current.parent.left
if sibling.color == Red {
sibling.color = Black
current.parent.color = Red
sibling = current.parent.left
if sibling.left.color == Black && sibling.right.color == Black {
sibling.color = Red
current = current.parent
} else { // if only one of child is Black
// the left child of sibling is black, and right child is red
if sibling.left.color == Black {
sibling.right.color = Black
sibling.color = Red
sibling = current.parent.left
sibling.color = current.parent.color
current.parent.color = Black
sibling.left.color = Black
current = tree.Root
current.color = Black
func (tree *RBTree) Upsert(key, val fixedpoint.Value) {
var y = NewNil()
var x = tree.Root
var node = &RBNode{
key: key,
value: val,
color: Red,
left: NewNil(),
right: NewNil(),
parent: NewNil(),
for !x.isNil() {
y = x
if node.key == x.key {
// found node, skip insert and fix
x.value = val
} else if node.key.Compare(x.key) < 0 {
x = x.left
} else {
x = x.right
node.parent = y
if y.isNil() {
tree.Root = node
} else if node.key.Compare(y.key) < 0 {
y.left = node
} else {
y.right = node
func (tree *RBTree) Insert(key, val fixedpoint.Value) {
var y = NewNil()
var x = tree.Root
var node = &RBNode{
key: key,
value: val,
color: Red,
left: NewNil(),
right: NewNil(),
parent: NewNil(),
for !x.isNil() {
y = x
if node.key.Compare(x.key) < 0 {
x = x.left
} else {
x = x.right
node.parent = y
if y.isNil() {
tree.Root = node
} else if node.key.Compare(y.key) < 0 {
y.left = node
} else {
y.right = node
func (tree *RBTree) Search(key fixedpoint.Value) *RBNode {
var current = tree.Root
for !current.isNil() && key != current.key {
if key.Compare(current.key) < 0 {
current = current.left
} else {
current = current.right
if current.isNil() {
return nil
return current
func (tree *RBTree) Size() int {
return tree.size
func (tree *RBTree) InsertFixup(current *RBNode) {
// A red node can't have a red parent, we need to fix it up
for current.parent.color == Red {
if current.parent == current.parent.parent.left {
uncle := current.parent.parent.right
if uncle.color == Red {
current.parent.color = Black
uncle.color = Black
current.parent.parent.color = Red
current = current.parent.parent
} else { // if uncle is black
if current == current.parent.right {
current = current.parent
current.parent.color = Black
current.parent.parent.color = Red
} else {
uncle := current.parent.parent.left
if uncle.color == Red {
current.parent.color = Black
uncle.color = Black
current.parent.parent.color = Red
current = current.parent.parent
} else {
if current == current.parent.left {
current = current.parent
current.parent.color = Black
current.parent.parent.color = Red
// ensure that root is black
tree.Root.color = Black
// RotateLeft
// x is the axes of rotation, y is the node that will be replace x's position.
// we need to:
// 1. move y's left child to the x's right child
// 2. change y's parent to x's parent
// 3. change x's parent to y
func (tree *RBTree) RotateLeft(x *RBNode) {
var y = x.right
x.right = y.left
if !y.left.isNil() {
y.left.parent = x
y.parent = x.parent
if x.parent.isNil() {
tree.Root = y
} else if x == x.parent.left {
x.parent.left = y
} else {
x.parent.right = y
y.left = x
x.parent = y
func (tree *RBTree) RotateRight(y *RBNode) {
x := y.left
y.left = x.right
if !x.right.isNil() {
if x.right == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("x.right is nil: node = %+v, left = %+v, right = %+v, parent = %+v", x, x.left, x.right, x.parent))
x.right.parent = y
x.parent = y.parent
if y.parent.isNil() {
tree.Root = x
} else if y == y.parent.left {
y.parent.left = x
} else {
y.parent.right = x
x.right = y
y.parent = x
func (tree *RBTree) Rightmost() *RBNode {
return tree.RightmostOf(tree.Root)
func (tree *RBTree) RightmostOf(current *RBNode) *RBNode {
if current.isNil() || current == nil {
return nil
for !current.right.isNil() {
current = current.right
return current
func (tree *RBTree) Leftmost() *RBNode {
return tree.LeftmostOf(tree.Root)
func (tree *RBTree) LeftmostOf(current *RBNode) *RBNode {
if current.isNil() || current == nil {
return nil
for !current.left.isNil() {
current = current.left
return current
func (tree *RBTree) Successor(current *RBNode) *RBNode {
if !current.right.isNil() {
return tree.LeftmostOf(current.right)
var newNode = current.parent
for !newNode.isNil() && current == newNode.right {
current = newNode
newNode = newNode.parent
return newNode
func (tree *RBTree) Preorder(cb func(n *RBNode)) {
tree.PreorderOf(tree.Root, cb)
func (tree *RBTree) PreorderOf(current *RBNode, cb func(n *RBNode)) {
if !current.isNil() && current != nil {
tree.PreorderOf(current.left, cb)
tree.PreorderOf(current.right, cb)
// Inorder traverses the tree in ascending order
func (tree *RBTree) Inorder(cb func(n *RBNode) bool) {
tree.InorderOf(tree.Root, cb)
func (tree *RBTree) InorderOf(current *RBNode, cb func(n *RBNode) bool) {
if !current.isNil() && current != nil {
tree.InorderOf(current.left, cb)
if !cb(current) {
tree.InorderOf(current.right, cb)
// InorderReverse traverses the tree in descending order
func (tree *RBTree) InorderReverse(cb func(n *RBNode) bool) {
tree.InorderReverseOf(tree.Root, cb)
func (tree *RBTree) InorderReverseOf(current *RBNode, cb func(n *RBNode) bool) {
if !current.isNil() && current != nil {
tree.InorderReverseOf(current.right, cb)
if !cb(current) {
tree.InorderReverseOf(current.left, cb)
func (tree *RBTree) Postorder(cb func(n *RBNode) bool) {
tree.PostorderOf(tree.Root, cb)
func (tree *RBTree) PostorderOf(current *RBNode, cb func(n *RBNode) bool) {
if !current.isNil() && current != nil {
tree.PostorderOf(current.left, cb)
tree.PostorderOf(current.right, cb)
if !cb(current) {
func (tree *RBTree) CopyInorderReverse(limit int) *RBTree {
newTree := NewRBTree()
if limit == 0 {
return newTree
tree.InorderReverse(copyNodeLimit(newTree, limit))
return newTree
func (tree *RBTree) CopyInorder(limit int) *RBTree {
newTree := NewRBTree()
if limit == 0 {
return newTree
tree.Inorder(copyNodeLimit(newTree, limit))
return newTree
func (tree *RBTree) Print() {
tree.Inorder(func(n *RBNode) bool {
fmt.Printf("%v -> %v\n", n.key, n.value)
return true
func copyNodeFast(newTree *RBTree) func(n *RBNode) bool {
return func(n *RBNode) bool {
newTree.Insert(n.key, n.value)
return true
func copyNodeLimit(newTree *RBTree, limit int) func(n *RBNode) bool {
cnt := 0
return func(n *RBNode) bool {
if limit > 0 && cnt >= limit {
return false
newTree.Insert(n.key, n.value)
return true