
2.6 KiB


  • Added auto-repay to protective stop loss exit method
  • Added --lightweight mode option


  • Removed the old submitOrder notification and added the new notification switches.
  • Improved accumulated volume stop method
  • binance: add queryTrades rate limiter


  • Fixed net asset value calculation
  • Fixed telegram message error, there must be one message to send


  • drift: fixed drift minus weight, preloaded kline not enough
  • trendtrader: added new trendline trader strategy.
  • pivotshort: fix fast high filtering.
  • pivotshort: call open position and add more position options.

Full Changelog

  • #960: improve: improve the existing notification switch settings
  • #961: Feature: Add auto-repay to exit_protective_stop_loss
  • #958: strategy/pivotshort: more improvements
  • #957: bbgo: remove submitOrder notification
  • #956: improve: bbgo: use margin asset borrowable amount to adjust the quantity
  • #953: fix: drift minus weight, preloaded kline not enough
  • #950: strategy/pivotshort
  • #954: DOC: update
  • #942: feature: add modify tg command. fix wdrift ma length
  • #952: fix: fix profit stats calculation and since time field initialisation
  • #951: DOC: add marketcap doc
  • #920: strategy: add trend trader
  • #947: improve: accumulated volume stop method
  • #945: FEATURE: marketcap: get marketcap values from coinmarketcap
  • #946: bbgo: fix telegram message error, there must be one message to send
  • #944: fix: fix net asset calculation
  • #943: FIX: fix market error
  • #941: pivotshort: fix fast high filtering
  • #940: pivotshort: call open position and add more position options
  • #939: binance: add queryTrades rate limiter
  • #938: bbgo: add lightweight mode