2024-03-22 14:52:17 +08:00

1.6 KiB

Rebalance Strategy

This strategy automatically rebalances your portfolio based on target weights.


  • schedule
    • The CRON expression used to schedule rebalance executions, for example: @every 5m, @every 1h, 0 0 * * * *.
    • CRON Expression Format
  • quoteCurrency
    • The quote currency in trading markets, e.g., USDT, TWD.
  • targetWeights
    • A map defining the desired target weights for each base currency in the portfolio.
  • threshold
    • The threshold represents the maximum allowable difference between the current weight and the target weight that will initiate rebalancing. For instance, with a threshold set at 1%, if the current weight of BTC is 52% and the target weight is 50%, the strategy will sell BTC until it reaches 50%.
  • maxAmount
    • The highest allowable value for each order in the quote currency.
  • orderType
    • The type of order to be placed, e.g., LIMIT, LIMIT_MAKER, MARKET
  • priceType
    • The method used to determine the price for buying or selling the currency, for example, MAKER, TAKER, MID, LAST
  • balanceType
    • Determines how the current weights are calculated. If set to TOTAL, the weights will include locked funds. e.g. TOTAL, AVAILABLE.
  • dryRun
    • If set to true, the strategy will simulate rebalancing without actually placing orders.
  • onStart
    • Indicates whether to rebalance the portfolio when the strategy starts.


See rebalance.yaml