Renamed freqtrade UI to freqUI

This commit is contained in:
simwai 2024-05-30 10:08:41 +02:00
parent bad1d83cee
commit 074434e83c

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@ -255,27 +255,27 @@ function Main {
$UiOptions = @("Yes", "No")
$InstallUi = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Do you want to install the freqtrade UI?" -options $UiOptions -defaultChoice 'B' -allowMultipleSelections $false
$InstallUi = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Do you want to install the freqUI?" -options $UiOptions -defaultChoice 'B' -allowMultipleSelections $false
if ($InstallUi -eq 0) {
# User selected "Yes"
# Install freqtrade UI using the virtual environment's install-ui command
Write-Log "Installing freqtrade UI..."
# Install freqUI using the virtual environment's install-ui command
Write-Log "Installing freqUI..."
python freqtrade install-ui 2>&1 | Out-File $LogFilePath -Append
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Log "Failed to install freqtrade UI." -Level 'ERROR'
Write-Log "Failed to install freqUI." -Level 'ERROR'
Exit-Script -exitCode 1
elseif ($InstallUi -eq 1) {
# User selected "No"
# Skip installing freqtrade UI
Write-Log "Skipping freqtrade UI installation."
# Skip installing freqUI
Write-Log "Skipping freqUI installation."
else {
# Invalid Selection
# Handle the error case
Write-Log "Invalid Selection for freqtrade UI installation." -Level 'ERROR'
Write-Log "Invalid Selection for freqUI installation." -Level 'ERROR'
Exit-Script -exitCode 1