Fixed some bugs, added unit tests

This commit is contained in:
simwai 2024-05-28 13:10:56 +02:00
parent 26aabafe04
commit bad1d83cee
2 changed files with 70 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -51,15 +51,10 @@ function Get-UserSelection {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UserInput)) {
$UserInput = $DefaultChoice
if ($AllowMultipleSelections) {
$Selections = $UserInput.Split(',') | ForEach-Object {
$ErrorMessage = "Invalid input: $Selection. Please enter letters within the valid range of options."
$UserInput = $UserInput.ToUpper()
# Convert each Selection from letter to Index and validate
if ($AllowMultipleSelections) {
$Selections = $UserInput.Split(',') | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() }
$SelectedIndices = @()
foreach ($Selection in $Selections) {
if ($Selection -match '^[A-Z]$') {
@ -68,20 +63,18 @@ function Get-UserSelection {
$SelectedIndices += $Index
else {
Write-Log $ErrorMessage -Level 'ERROR'
Write-Log "Invalid input: $Selection. Please enter letters within the valid range of options." -Level 'ERROR'
return -1
else {
Write-Log $ErrorMessage -Level 'ERROR'
Write-Log "Invalid input: $Selection. Please enter a letter between A and Z." -Level 'ERROR'
return -1
return $SelectedIndices
else {
# Convert the Selection from letter to Index and validate
if ($UserInput -match '^[A-Z]$') {
$SelectedIndex = [int][char]$UserInput - [int][char]'A'
if ($SelectedIndex -ge 0 -and $SelectedIndex -lt $Options.Length) {
@ -98,16 +91,12 @@ function Get-UserSelection {
function Exit-Script {
param (
[bool]$WaitForKeypress = $true
# Disable virtual environment
if ($ExitCode -ne 0) {
Write-Log "Script failed. Would you like to open the log file? (Y/N)" -Level 'PROMPT'
$openLog = Read-Host
@ -128,10 +117,19 @@ function Test-PythonExecutable {
$DeactivateVenv = Join-Path $VenvDir "Scripts\Deactivate.bat"
if (Test-Path $DeactivateVenv) {
Write-Host "Deactivating virtual environment..."
& $DeactivateVenv
Write-Host "Virtual environment deactivated."
else {
Write-Host "Deactivation script not found: $DeactivateVenv"
$PythonCmd = Get-Command $PythonExecutable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($PythonCmd) {
$Command = "$($PythonCmd.Source) --version 2>&1"
$VersionOutput = Invoke-Expression $Command
$VersionOutput = & $PythonCmd.Source --version 2>&1
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
$Version = $VersionOutput | Select-String -Pattern "Python (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
Write-Log "Python version $Version found using executable '$PythonExecutable'."
@ -172,39 +170,59 @@ function Main {
# Define the path to the Python executable in the virtual environment
$VenvPython = "$VenvDir\Scripts\Activate.ps1"
$ActivateVenv = "$VenvDir\Scripts\Activate.ps1"
# Check if the virtual environment exists, if not, create it
if (-Not (Test-Path $VenvPython)) {
if (-Not (Test-Path $ActivateVenv)) {
Write-Log "Virtual environment not found. Creating virtual environment..." -Level 'ERROR'
& $PythonExecutable -m venv $VenvName
if (-Not (Test-Path $VenvPython)) {
& $PythonExecutable -m venv $VenvName 2>&1 | Out-File $LogFilePath -Append
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Log "Failed to create virtual environment." -Level 'ERROR'
Exit-Script -exitCode 1
Write-Log "Virtual environment created successfully."
else {
Write-Log "Virtual environment created."
# Activate the virtual environment and check if it was successful
Write-Log "Virtual environment found. Activating virtual environment..."
& $ActivateVenv 2>&1 | Out-File $LogFilePath -Append
# Check if virtual environment is activated
if ($env:VIRTUAL_ENV) {
Write-Host "Virtual environment is activated at: $($env:VIRTUAL_ENV)"
else {
Write-Log "Failed to activate virtual environment." -Level 'ERROR'
Exit-Script -exitCode 1
# Ensure pip
python -m ensurepip --default-pip 2>&1 | Out-File $LogFilePath -Append
# Pull latest updates only if the repository state is not dirty
Write-Log "Checking if the repository is clean..."
$status = & "C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe" status --porcelain
if ($status) {
$Status = & "C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe" status --porcelain
if ($Status) {
Write-Log "Repository is dirty. Skipping pull."
else {
Write-Log "Pulling latest updates..."
& "C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe" pull | Out-File $LogFilePath -Append 2>&1
& "C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe" pull 2>&1 | Out-File $LogFilePath -Append
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Log "Failed to pull updates from Git." -Level 'ERROR'
Exit-Script -exitCode 1
if (-not (Test-Path "$VenvDir\Lib\site-packages\talib")) {
# Install TA-Lib using the virtual environment's pip
Write-Log "Installing TA-Lib using virtual environment's pip..."
python -m pip install --find-links=build_helpers\ --prefer-binary TA-Lib | Out-File $LogFilePath -Append 2>&1
python -m pip install --find-links=build_helpers\ --prefer-binary TA-Lib 2>&1 | Out-File $LogFilePath -Append
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Log "Failed to install TA-Lib." -Level 'ERROR'
Exit-Script -exitCode 1
# Present options for requirement files
@ -212,25 +230,25 @@ function Main {
# Cache the selected requirement files
$SelectedRequirementFiles = @()
$PipInstallArguments = ""
$PipInstallArguments = @()
foreach ($Index in $SelectedIndices) {
$FilePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $RequirementFiles[$Index]
if (Test-Path $FilePath) {
$SelectedRequirementFiles += $FilePath
$PipInstallArguments += " -r $FilePath"
$RelativePath = $RequirementFiles[$Index]
if (Test-Path $RelativePath) {
$SelectedRequirementFiles += $RelativePath
$PipInstallArguments += "-r", $RelativePath # Add each flag and path as separate elements
else {
Write-Log "Requirement file not found: $FilePath" -Level 'ERROR'
Write-Log "Requirement file not found: $RelativePath" -Level 'ERROR'
Exit-Script -exitCode 1
if ($PipInstallArguments -ne "") {
python -m pip install $PipInstallArguments
if ($PipInstallArguments.Count -ne 0) {
& pip install @PipInstallArguments # Use array splatting to pass arguments correctly
# Install freqtrade from setup using the virtual environment's Python
Write-Log "Installing freqtrade from setup..."
python -m pip install -e . | Out-File $LogFilePath -Append 2>&1
pip install -e . 2>&1 | Out-File $LogFilePath -Append
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Log "Failed to install freqtrade." -Level 'ERROR'
Exit-Script -exitCode 1
@ -243,7 +261,7 @@ function Main {
# User selected "Yes"
# Install freqtrade UI using the virtual environment's install-ui command
Write-Log "Installing freqtrade UI..."
python 'freqtrade', 'install-ui' | Out-File $LogFilePath -Append 2>&1
python freqtrade install-ui 2>&1 | Out-File $LogFilePath -Append
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Log "Failed to install freqtrade UI." -Level 'ERROR'
Exit-Script -exitCode 1

View File

@ -57,6 +57,13 @@ Describe "Setup and Tests" {
$Result | Should -Be 1
It "Should return the correct index for a valid single selection" {
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
Mock Read-Host { return "b" }
$Result = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Select an option" -options $Options
$Result | Should -Be 1
It "Should return the default choice when no input is provided" {
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
Mock Read-Host { return "" }
@ -97,6 +104,13 @@ Describe "Setup and Tests" {
Context "Multiple selections" {
It "Should handle valid input correctly" {
Mock Read-Host { return "A, B, C" }
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
$Indices = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Select options" -options $Options -defaultChoice "A"
$Indices | Should -Be @(0, 1, 2)
It "Should handle valid input without whitespace correctly" {
Mock Read-Host { return "A,B,C" }
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
$Indices = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Select options" -options $Options -defaultChoice "A"