2024-05-28 13:10:56 +02:00

183 lines
6.5 KiB

# Ensure the specific version 5.3.1 of Pester is installed and imported
$RequiredVersion = [version]"5.3.1"
$InstalledModule = Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Pester
if (-not ($InstalledModule) -or ($InstalledModule.Version -lt $RequiredVersion)) {
Install-Module -Name Pester -RequiredVersion $RequiredVersion -Force -Scope CurrentUser -SkipPublisherCheck
Import-Module -Name Pester -MinimumVersion 5.3.1
# Describe block to contain all tests and setup
Describe "Setup and Tests" {
BeforeAll {
# Setup variables
$SetupScriptPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\setup.ps1"
$Global:LogFilePath = Join-Path $env:TEMP "script_log.txt"
# Check if the setup script exists
if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $SetupScriptPath)) {
Write-Host "Error: setup.ps1 script not found at path: $SetupScriptPath"
exit 1
# Mock main to prevent it from running
Mock Main {}
. $SetupScriptPath
Context "Write-Log Tests" -Tag "Unit" {
It "should write INFO level log" {
Remove-Item $Global:LogFilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Log -Message "Test Info Message" -Level "INFO"
$Global:LogFilePath | Should -Exist
$LogContent = Get-Content $Global:LogFilePath
$LogContent | Should -Contain "INFO: Test Info Message"
It "should write ERROR level log" {
Remove-Item $Global:LogFilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Log -Message "Test Error Message" -Level "ERROR"
$Global:LogFilePath | Should -Exist
$LogContent = Get-Content $Global:LogFilePath
$LogContent | Should -Contain "ERROR: Test Error Message"
Describe "Get-UserSelection Tests" {
Context "Valid input" {
It "Should return the correct index for a valid single selection" {
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
Mock Read-Host { return "B" }
$Result = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Select an option" -options $Options
$Result | Should -Be 1
It "Should return the correct index for a valid single selection" {
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
Mock Read-Host { return "b" }
$Result = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Select an option" -options $Options
$Result | Should -Be 1
It "Should return the default choice when no input is provided" {
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
Mock Read-Host { return "" }
$Result = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Select an option" -options $Options -defaultChoice "C"
$Result | Should -Be 2
Context "Invalid input" {
It "Should return -1 for an invalid letter selection" {
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
Mock Read-Host { return "X" }
$Result = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Select an option" -options $Options
$Result | Should -Be -1
It "Should return -1 for a selection outside the valid range" {
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
Mock Read-Host { return "D" }
$Result = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Select an option" -options $Options
$Result | Should -Be -1
It "Should return -1 for a non-letter input" {
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
Mock Read-Host { return "1" }
$Result = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Select an option" -options $Options
$Result | Should -Be -1
It "Should return -1 for mixed valid and invalid input" {
Mock Read-Host { return "A,X,B,Y,C,Z" }
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
$Indices = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Select options" -options $Options -defaultChoice "A"
$Indices | Should -Be -1
Context "Multiple selections" {
It "Should handle valid input correctly" {
Mock Read-Host { return "A, B, C" }
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
$Indices = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Select options" -options $Options -defaultChoice "A"
$Indices | Should -Be @(0, 1, 2)
It "Should handle valid input without whitespace correctly" {
Mock Read-Host { return "A,B,C" }
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
$Indices = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Select options" -options $Options -defaultChoice "A"
$Indices | Should -Be @(0, 1, 2)
It "Should return indices for selected options" {
Mock Read-Host { return "a,b" }
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
$Indices = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Select options" -options $Options
$Indices | Should -Be @(0, 1)
It "Should return default choice if no input" {
Mock Read-Host { return "" }
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
$Indices = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Select options" -options $Options -defaultChoice "C"
$Indices | Should -Be @(2)
It "Should handle invalid input gracefully" {
Mock Read-Host { return "x,y,z" }
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
$Indices = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Select options" -options $Options -defaultChoice "A"
$Indices | Should -Be -1
It "Should handle input without whitespace" {
Mock Read-Host { return "a,b,c" }
$Options = @("Option1", "Option2", "Option3")
$Indices = Get-UserSelection -prompt "Select options" -options $Options
$Indices | Should -Be @(0, 1, 2)
Describe "Exit-Script Tests" -Tag "Unit" {
BeforeEach {
Mock Write-Log {}
Mock Start-Process {}
Mock Read-Host { return "Y" }
It "should exit with the given exit code without waiting for key press" {
$ExitCode = Exit-Script -ExitCode 0 -isSubShell $true -waitForKeypress $false
$ExitCode | Should -Be 0
It "should prompt to open log file on error" {
Exit-Script -ExitCode 1 -isSubShell $true -waitForKeypress $false
Assert-MockCalled Read-Host -Exactly 1
Assert-MockCalled Start-Process -Exactly 1
Context 'Find-PythonExecutable' {
It 'Returns the first valid Python executable' {
Mock Test-PythonExecutable { $true } -ParameterFilter { $PythonExecutable -eq 'python' }
$Result = Find-PythonExecutable
$Result | Should -Be 'python'
It 'Returns null if no valid Python executable is found' {
Mock Test-PythonExecutable { $false }
$Result = Find-PythonExecutable
$Result | Should -Be $null