2021-11-02 20:26:38 +01:00

4.9 KiB

Webhook usage


Enable webhooks by adding a webhook-section to your configuration file, and setting webhook.enabled to true.

Sample configuration (tested using IFTTT).

  "webhook": {
        "enabled": true,
        "url": "<YOUREVENT>/with/key/<YOURKEY>/",
        "webhookbuy": {
            "value1": "Buying {pair}",
            "value2": "limit {limit:8f}",
            "value3": "{stake_amount:8f} {stake_currency}"
        "webhookbuycancel": {
            "value1": "Cancelling Open Buy Order for {pair}",
            "value2": "limit {limit:8f}",
            "value3": "{stake_amount:8f} {stake_currency}"
         "webhookbuyfill": {
            "value1": "Buy Order for {pair} filled",
            "value2": "at {open_rate:8f}",
            "value3": ""
        "webhooksell": {
            "value1": "Selling {pair}",
            "value2": "limit {limit:8f}",
            "value3": "profit: {profit_amount:8f} {stake_currency} ({profit_ratio})"
        "webhooksellcancel": {
            "value1": "Cancelling Open Sell Order for {pair}",
            "value2": "limit {limit:8f}",
            "value3": "profit: {profit_amount:8f} {stake_currency} ({profit_ratio})"
        "webhooksellfill": {
            "value1": "Sell Order for {pair} filled",
            "value2": "at {close_rate:8f}.",
            "value3": ""
        "webhookstatus": {
            "value1": "Status: {status}",
            "value2": "",
            "value3": ""

The url in webhook.url should point to the correct url for your webhook. If you're using IFTTT (as shown in the sample above) please insert your event and key to the url.

You can set the POST body format to Form-Encoded (default) or JSON-Encoded. Use "format": "form" or "format": "json" respectively. Example configuration for Mattermost Cloud integration:

  "webhook": {
        "enabled": true,
        "url": "https://<YOURSUBDOMAIN><YOURHOOK>",
        "format": "json",
        "webhookstatus": {
            "text": "Status: {status}"

The result would be POST request with e.g. {"text":"Status: running"} body and Content-Type: application/json header which results Status: running message in the Mattermost channel.

Different payloads can be configured for different events. Not all fields are necessary, but you should configure at least one of the dicts, otherwise the webhook will never be called.


The fields in webhook.webhookbuy are filled when the bot executes a buy. Parameters are filled using string.format. Possible parameters are:

  • trade_id
  • exchange
  • pair
  • limit
  • amount
  • open_date
  • stake_amount
  • stake_currency
  • fiat_currency
  • order_type
  • current_rate
  • buy_tag


The fields in webhook.webhookbuycancel are filled when the bot cancels a buy order. Parameters are filled using string.format. Possible parameters are:

  • trade_id
  • exchange
  • pair
  • limit
  • amount
  • open_date
  • stake_amount
  • stake_currency
  • fiat_currency
  • order_type
  • current_rate
  • buy_tag


The fields in webhook.webhookbuyfill are filled when the bot filled a buy order. Parameters are filled using string.format. Possible parameters are:

  • trade_id
  • exchange
  • pair
  • open_rate
  • amount
  • open_date
  • stake_amount
  • stake_currency
  • fiat_currency
  • buy_tag


The fields in webhook.webhooksell are filled when the bot sells a trade. Parameters are filled using string.format. Possible parameters are:

  • trade_id
  • exchange
  • pair
  • gain
  • limit
  • amount
  • open_rate
  • profit_amount
  • profit_ratio
  • stake_currency
  • fiat_currency
  • sell_reason
  • order_type
  • open_date
  • close_date


The fields in webhook.webhooksellfill are filled when the bot fills a sell order (closes a Trae). Parameters are filled using string.format. Possible parameters are:

  • trade_id
  • exchange
  • pair
  • gain
  • close_rate
  • amount
  • open_rate
  • current_rate
  • profit_amount
  • profit_ratio
  • stake_currency
  • fiat_currency
  • sell_reason
  • order_type
  • open_date
  • close_date


The fields in webhook.webhooksellcancel are filled when the bot cancels a sell order. Parameters are filled using string.format. Possible parameters are:

  • trade_id
  • exchange
  • pair
  • gain
  • limit
  • amount
  • open_rate
  • current_rate
  • profit_amount
  • profit_ratio
  • stake_currency
  • fiat_currency
  • sell_reason
  • order_type
  • open_date
  • close_date


The fields in webhook.webhookstatus are used for regular status messages (Started / Stopped / ...). Parameters are filled using string.format.

The only possible value here is {status}.